Monday, February 27, 2012


    Let me start off by saying that this blog has gone too long without some love!!  I didn't even realize it had been so long...shame, shame, shame.  So I'm back (again) and I have another new plan (again).  Plus, I totally re-vamped the site and I am really digging it!!

    My very dear friend, Jessica, has brought juicing to my attention.  I love this woman so much...and I am convinced that if we lived closer, we'd be seeing each other pretty much every day.  She has held my hand through my never ending cloth diaper journey and is now about to take me on another ride.  I have heard about juicing a few times and always thought the idea was cool, but not for me.  I just don't think I have it in me to give up all food and rely only on juice.  I am a food addict.  This is where Jess comes in!  She has started her own juicing system and to ease herself into a juice "feast", she has started drinking juice before a meal.  This helps with filling up on good-for-you juice and not overeating the real food.  I think I'm going to start doing this!! (After I gather up enough doll hairs to buy a juicer that is!)  Jess talks about having more energy and is losing weight fairly well.  I think I'm going to team this up with my irregular zumba schedule and see where this takes me!  She, however, will begin a juice feast on March 1st and try it for 94 days.  You can read about her awesomeness HERE!

    Now I just want to post some photos of my beautiful children.  It is GORGEOUS outside today, so we have been living it up out there.  Played all morning, had a picnic, and then ice cream!

    One more thing I wanted to pass along to all you moms.  If you are anything like me, you have "bad mom days" as I like to call them.  Those are the days when I'm extra tired/cranky/stressed/anything other than happy and I'm not my normal mommy self.  I tend to carry a lot of guilt around after days like that.  I read an article this morning about that subject and I really enjoyed it.  It reminded me that I am only human!!  If you're interested - take a look.

    Time to get ready to go hold my sweet, new nephew Ezra!  I'll be back sooner rather than later!


  1. Love the new look!!! Thank you for the shout out too!! Let's just remind each other to keep posting LOL I really hope you enjoy juicing as much as I do, even though I'm a noob :) and you're right, we would be joined at the hip if closer!!

  2. Love reading your posts Fran! :) You have a faithful follower here and I look up to you


  3. Jessica - No problem! You help me so much and I know my friends and family would love to read your blog too!

    Leah - Thank you so much!! I sincerely appreciate your encouraging words!!
