Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Long Time Coming

I'm guessing I should write about why I'm even beginning this adventure!  I became a stay-at-home mom when I was pregnant with our second child in 2009.  I thought it was just an awesome thing that I wasn't going to be doing a 9-5 job and would be able to be with my kids as they grew up.  Little did I know what kind of job I was actually taking on!!  Staying at home with Evyn (our daughter) and Sylas (our first son) was fun and exhausting, but definitely doable.  I had a routine and felt that my days were pretty easy.  Fast forward nine months to where we discover I'm pregnant with our third...and the anxiety of having three "littles" at home causes me to wonder what the heck I'm supposed to do now. 

Here we are nearly 5 months later and I am in an all around rut - with my house, my cooking, as well as emotionally and physically.  I lack energy...I lack the true motivation to get up and exercise...I feel like I am stuck in the same daily routine.  I have been reading all these mommy blogs and I almost drool over how they just seem to have it figured out...they have it all together, so what am I missing?  Then last week, it hit me - get up and be one of those moms!  Make changes, actually do them, and be awesome!  So this new year will be a makeover for my family and I couldn't be more excited.  I have many, many plans, so it will be a learning process.  I want to make some major life changes and am ready to commit to them.  I want to be healthy, eat healthy, and raise my littles to be the same way.  I want a house that is organzied and not so cluttered.  I want to not be so tired all the time.  I want my littles to learn and play at the same time.  I want to re-vamp our lives!

This blog is to keep me in check with it all.  I also think it will be nice to look back and see where it all started!