Sunday, March 4, 2012


    I've been working on my list of things to do and I've made a pretty good one.  Now to get to the timeline part!!  I'm really bad at starting projects and not setting aside time to finish them.  Just ask my sister - I am in the process of making my nephew a mobile.  I've been in this process for months now!  Due to this, his mobile is first on my list of things to do! 

    I'm still looking into breakfast ideas.  Unfortunately, my littles are pretty picky.  This means that most of my new recipes have be offered a few times before I can even get a bite out of them.  It can be really frustrating!  I am determined to get them to open up their taste buds, though, so I will keep doing what I can.  I am trying smoothies this week, so here's hoping Evyn and Sylas like them!! 

    Speaking of smoothies, I have been doing a little research on juicing vs. smoothies.  I don't really have the money to fork over for a juicer, but I do have an awesome blender.  I need to look into it some more, but I think I may be trying a smoothie cleanse within the next few weeks.  Of course, I'll keep you updated!

    I'm dreading my grocery bill this week as I am probably going to buy out the produce section!!  Not only am I getting our normal fresh veggies and fruits, but I am getting lots of extras for my baby food cook day (which is tomorrow).  I am making Beccan's baby food instead of using the store bought kind.  I've just been making it as I go, but I decided I needed to just set a day aside and make lots of it to freeze.  This would make it easier on me, my hubby, and any family that is over.  I'm actually excited to do all this cooking, as I find the idea of making my own food for him exciting.  I like all the combinations I can come up with!  In addition to his baby food, I am buying fruits and veggies for smoothies (as previously mentioned!).  I'm nervous!

    Evyn had her first soccer game this past Saturday!  This is her first social interaction with a team since she was in gymnastics a couple years ago.  She ended up not playing, but sat on the sidelines taking it all in.  Afterwards, she ran on the field with her Pop-pop and Sylas and kicked the ball all over.  It was adorable!  We are going to practice kicking at home and I am hoping that she will be ready to play next Saturday.  She will know what to expect this time.  Evyn is much like her mommy when it comes to new things and I know that she just needs some time to warm up to it!  She did look ADORABLE in her little uniform!!!  Here she is before she got her jersey: 

    Stay tuned for more cute pictures and more of me learning how to figure out what the heck I'm doing  =)

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